About Me

Las vegas, Nevada
I'm just a girl trying to make a difference in the world. I've been through a lot in life and have learned to take the bad and look at it positively and make the best of any situation bad or good. Because even when it gets dark the stars come out and brighten up everything. There is always a silverlining in life just have to search for it. I've recently learned to smile everyday and be happy for what I have. I love music I live for it, it is my escape. I am just me...Read my blog to know me more (:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Safe and Sound

Living and breathing..still!! I really don't know where to begin with life so I guess I'll just write(:
I sit everyday inside my own mind, my strange yet unique complex mind thinking of all the things I want to accomplish in life, thinking of how I wish those who are hurting could find peace and happiness..like I have. I have my good and bad days, my up and downs...but truly at the end of the day I am content and happy because I believe that there are great things ahead. I want to allow people to understand me....because I know most don't, they see me this sweet kind hearted loving girl...think I shine and tell me I light up rooms with just even the slightest smile on my face. But what they do not know is deep down inside me there is a girl wanting to escape from where I've been, here running in circles one step forward and three steps backwards always, there is a girl who has witnessed pain and sorrow, heart ache, things I never wish to see others go through...I wake up everyday trying to be better than I was yesterday. I want so badly to reach out and make my dreams become reality but it is so hard to do so when I am stuck in a place where I have been so deeply hurt..I sometimes wish I could let go of everything and fall into the arms of my savior my god and ask him to just let me sit up in heaven with him safe and sound.. But I know I cannot do that. Because he saved me for a reason, and although somedays I wish he hadn't I know I have a great purpose in this life of mine, I am meant for something. And although I may just be another girl to some, to someone very special in my life I am actually something more...I've met someone who sees me for me, who understands me, and although I just met him, I strongly believe he is who god himself made just for me, were so alike on so many levels it simply amazes me, when I stopped and turned away from love, I met him and I believe again that just maybe it's possible that I can have true happiness in life, and a love that won't fail or lie to me or hurt me.. a love just a great as gods love for me. Don't doubt for a moment love, that I am doubting us...I cannot count all the ways that you have opened my eyes and heart to seeing things and believing in something I've longed to have for such a long time, a person to understand me, and love me for all I am and will be, your the one my soul has been searching for.

Well...with all this said I'm going to take a break from writing (:
You're all beautiful in your own unique way, stay that way...change for no one.
Love Caity Joan<3

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